Our global delivery model includes four (4) important criteria, which are significant for ea to stay focus on maintaining all your projects on time and on budget, meeting all your service level commitments, improving business and service delivery level as well as motivate the offshore or/and onshore team to stay focus on delivery:
- Experienced Leadership
- Global Best Practice
- Human Capital
- Domain Knowledge
Our Global Delivery Frameworks
Our onshore / offshore program and delivery management involves four (4) critical frameworks.
Human Resources
Our human capital strategy is designed to align with mission, goals and organizational objectives. We deploy a coherent framework of
human capital policies, programs and practices that requires collaborating efforts to ensure the human capital is strategically used in achieving a shared vision; integrated with the client's strategic and program planning efforts, human capital needs including the size of the workforce, its deployment and the competencies needed. We leverage each other efforts to share the best practices and knowledge to support and fulfill mission accomplishment.
We highly invests in education, training, and other developmental opportunities to foster a learning culture and to build mission-critical competencies. We develop short and long-term strategies and targeted investments in people to create a quality workplace designed to attract, acquire, and retain quality talent. Performance management establishes team and individual performance expectations, evaluates results, holds people accountable, and gives performance recognition, all of which are linked to key organizational goals, desired results and mission. The human resource framework includes:
- Recruitment
- Resource Management
- Technical Training
- Skill's Assessment
- Resource Loading
- Rewards
- Soft Skills Training
- Performance Management
- Cross Training